Power of an Object

A couple of years ago me and my husband decided that we were ready to expand our family. We have been working on getting pregnant for over a year (not as easy as they say, huh?) I remained calm though, I believed that our future baby was waiting for us to be ready.

    That summer I came back to my hometown in Kyiv and had an urge to draw. I created a painting in the moment, without much thinking or planning. I was just feeling love and tenderness for my future pregnancy, it felt like it was flowering inside of me. After finishing that painting I showed it to my spiritual teacher, and she told me that this work heals female reproductive organs. I more than believed it, as less than two months after finishing that work I finally got pregnant with our little princess.

   Meanwhile, a girl who works at my mom’s office asked for that painting to be placed next to her desk a week after it was made, she didn’t know yet about the superpowers it has, so it was an intuitive decision. That girl was dreaming about creating a family herself. A few months passed by and her boyfriend proposed to her, shortly after they got pregnant too, just as she wanted.

    That work fulfilled the dreams of two women within a period of 6 months. That’s when I truly realized how objects around us have magical abilities, they affect our lives more than we realize.

    Now, I don’t claim to be an art healer (or at least not yet), but I do know that creating with an empty mind, and a warm and loving heart does make a difference. Letting yourself be a vessel for divine energy that needs to be manifested right now, into this world, creates art for humanity, and that is what I do.

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